
Aus Drone Spots Info
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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Wien und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Land Österreich/en
Bundesland Wien
Maps Location 48° 12' 30.06" N, 16° 22' 21.00" E
Max. Flughöhe in Meter 3030 m <br />
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General Information

There are a lot of restrictions in Vienna. Either due to the airport or the numerous landing sites for helicopters. By law, the whole of Vienna is a flight restriction area, which is why drone operations are only permitted there with a special permit from Austro Control. However, since 12.08.2022, drones weighing less than 250 g up to a maximum height of 30 meters are also permitted in Vienna.[1] The Schwechat LOWW no-fly zone extends over a good part of the city area, as the radius in the approach corridor to runway 29 is significantly longer. In addition, there are numerous zones around the many hospitals with their landing sites. Only a small section at the north-western end of the Danube Island is outside the restricted zones and you are allowed to fly 120m AGL.

Bewilligung UAS-Betrieb Flugbeschränkungsgebiet

