
Aus Drone Spots Info
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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Dolomiten und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Land Italien
Maps Location 46° 17' 40.45" N, 12° 3' 4.75" E
Max. Flughöhe in Meter 120120 m <br />
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Lienzer Dolomiten (101210929)

Allgemeine Hinweise

The Dolomites are part of the UNESCO World Heritage. It is therefore not permitted to fly a drone everywhere. However, there are many beautiful places where this is possible. Drone pilots are not allowed to fly in the most famous places. A good opportunity to discover new places. To photograph mountains, you can head to Cadini di Musurina (Cadini Group) or Passo di Gardena (Gardena Pass). A beautiful mountain meadow can be photographed at Alpe di Siusi (Alpe di Siusi). And one mountain lake that you can fly over with a drone is Lago di Sorapis (Lake Sorapis).[1]

