Castle Kreuzenstein

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Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Burg Kreuzenstein und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Burg Kreuzenstein/en
Land Österreich/en
Bundesland Niederösterreich
Maps Location 48° 22' 44.90" N, 16° 18' 31.39" E
Max. Flughöhe in Meter 00 m <br />
Die Karte wird geladen …

Leobendorf - Burg Kreuzenstein (2)

General Information

According to the homepage, it is not permitted to take pictures of the castle with drones![1]

Freedom of panorama[2] (also freedom of street view) is a restriction of copyright law provided for in many legal systems that allows anyone to reproduce works protected by copyright, for example buildings, art in public spaces or art in public spaces that can be seen from public thoroughfares, without having to request permission from the author of the work. In most copyright laws, this basic exemption is also subject to specific restrictions so as not to unduly burden the author's legal position. Nevertheless, material and land ownership[3] should always be taken into account.

